Divinity: Original Sin — идеальная игра для тех, кто любит ремесла. Ниже мы публикуем известные рецепты предметов, которые можно произвести в игре. Т.к. на данный момент игра доступна лишь на английском языке, то и названия в списке — английские.
Pumpkin Helmet = Knife + Pumpkin
Metal armor = Leather armor + Metal scraps
Scale armor = Leather armor + Scale scraps
Cloth Armor = Cloth Scraps +Needle & Thread
Blue Cloth Armor = Cloth Scraps + Magic Needle & Thread
Leathery Boots = Scrap of Leather + Anvil
Metalic Boots = Scrap of Metal + Anvil
Wooden Shield = Barrel Lid + Rope
Steel Shield = Wooden Shield + Scrap of Metal
Crossbow = Branch + Iron Bar
Hand Axe = Anvil + Steel Bar
Shortbow = Branch + Bow String
Short Sword = Iron Bar + Anvil
Spear = Branch + Dagger
Staff = Branch + Branch
Stake = Log + Dagger
Nail Fortified Branch = Branch + Nine Inch Nails
Arrow Shaft (x3) = Branch + Knife
Stunning Arrowhead = Tooth + Knife
Knockdown Arrowhead = Antler + Knife
Poison Arrowhead = Arrowhead + Ooze Barrel
Poison Arrowhead = Arrowhead + Poison
Silver Arrowheads (x4) = Silver + Anvil
Slow Arrowhead = Oil Barrel + Arrowhead
Steam Arrowhead = Water Resistance Potion + Arrowhead
Пояса, амулеты, кольца
Earie Eye = Pouch Pixie Dust + Eye
Magic Feather = Pouch Pixie Dust + Feather
Magic Claw = Pouch Pixie Dust + Claw
Magic Rat Tail = Pouch Pixie Dust + Rat Tail
Magic Starfish = Pouch Pixie Dust + Starfish
Magic Tusk = Pouch Pixie Dust + Tusk
Magic Tooth = Pixie Dust + Tooth
Chicken Amulet (Initiative +1) = Thread + Magical Chicken Claw
Claw Amulet (Strength +1?) = Thread + Magic Claw
Feather Amulet (Dexterity +1) = Thread + Magic Feather
Rabbit Paw Amulet (Lucky Charm +1) = Thread + Magical Rabbit Paw
Rat Tail Amulet (Poison Resistence +5%) = Thread + Magic Rat Tail
Skull Amulet (Intelligence +1) = Thread + Magical Skull
Starfish Amulet (Health +20) = Thread + Magical Starfish
Tusk Amulet (Loremaster +1) = Thread + Magic Tusk
Third Eye Amulet (Perception +1) = Thread + Earie Eye
Magical Tooth Amulet (Charisma + 1) = Thread + Magical Tooth
Chicken Belt (Initiative +1) = Rope + Magical Chicken Claw
Claw Belt (Strength +1) = Rope + Magic Claw
Feather Belt (Initiative +1) = Rope + Magic Feather
Rabbit Paw Belt (Lucky Charm +1) = Rope + Magical Rabbit Paw
Rat Tail Belt (Poison Resistence +5%) = Rope + Magic Rat Tail
Skull Belt (Constitution +1) = Rope + Magical Skull
Tusk Belt (Body Building +1) = Rope + Magic Tusk
Tooth Belt (Charisma +1) = Rope + Magic Tooth
Chicken Ring (Movement +0.26) = Jeweller's Kit: Ring + Magical Chicken Claw
Claw Ring (Strength +1?) = Jeweller's Kit: Ring + Magic Claw
Feather Ring (Telekinesis +1) = Jeweller's Kit: Ring + Magic Feather
Rabbit Paw Ring (Speed +1) = Jeweller's Kit: Ring + Magical Rabbit Paw
Rat Tail Ring (Poison Resistence +5%) = Jeweller's Kit: Ring + Magic Rat Tail
Skull Ring (Constitution +1) = Jeweller's Kit: Ring + Magical Skull
Tusk Ring (Poison Resistence +5%) = Jeweller's Kit: Ring + Magic Tusk
Tooth Ring (Charisma +1) = Jeweller's Kit: Ring + Magic Tooth
Bonedust = Bone + Mortar and Pestle
Bonedust = Skull + Mortar and Pestle
Moondust = Moonstone + Mortar and Pestle
Stardust = Stardust Plant + Mortar and Pestle
Pouch of Pixie Dust = Bonedust + Stardust
Branches (x2) (+ Wood Chips) = Axe + Log
Wood Chips (+ Branches (x2)) = Axe + Log
Thread = Length of Hair + Length of Hair
Thread and Needle = Thread + Needle
Magic Needle & Thread = Needle & Thread + Pixie Dust
Bow String = Sinew + Sinew
Iron Bar = Iron Ore + Furnace
Silver Bar = Silver Ore +Furnace
Steel Bar = Iron Bar + Furnace
Rope = Wool Yarn + Wool Yarn
Quil = Feather + Knive
Ink Pot and Quill = Pot of Ink + Quill
Magical Ink Pot and Quill = Ink Pot and Quill + Pouch of Magic Dust
Feather = Knive + Pillow
Mush of Wood = Wood Chips + Water Barell
Sheet of Paper = Mush of Wood + Oven
Lockpicks = Needle + Needle
Lockpicks = Hammer + Nine Inch Nails
Hot Rivellon Fries = Serving of Cold Fries + Boiling Pot
Serving of Cold Fries = Potato + Knife
Apple Dough = Apple + Dough
Water Bucket = Empty Bucket + Water Barrel
Boiled Potato = Potato + Boiling Pot
Honey Jar = Empty Jar + Beehive
Porridge = Wheat + Cup of Milk
Porridge with Potato = Potato + Cup of Milk
Flour = Wheat + Mortar and Pestle
Pizza Sauce = Tomato + Hammer
Pizza Dough = Dough + Pizza Sauce
Juicy Pizza = Pizza Dough + Oven
Honey Milk Cup = Honey Jar + Cup of Milk
Dough = Sack of floor + Cup of water
Poison Cheese = Cheese + Ooze Barrel
Air Resistance Potion = Jellyroom + Empty Potion
Fire Resistance Potion = Guepinia Mushroom + Empty Potion
Water Resistance Potion = Bluegill Mushroom + Empty Potion
Earth Resistance Potion = Earth Tongue Mushroom + Empty Potion
Poison Resistance Potion = Minor Healing Potion + Plant of Drudanae
Minor Resist-All Potion = Earth Resistance Potion + Fire Resistance Potion
Minor Resist-All Potion = Earth Resistance Potion + Air Resistance Potion
Poison = Empty Potion + Not-So-Friendly Mushroom
Poison = Empty Potion + Rotten Eggs
Minor Healing Potion = Empty Potion + Friendly Mushroom
Armor Boosting Potion = Minor Healing Potion + Plant of Whisperwood
Reasoning Potion = Minor Healing Potion + Stardust Plant
"Better Potion" (улучшение зелья) = "Potion" + Augmentor (this works with most potions in the game)
Свитки и книги (требуется уровень ремесла не менее пяти)
"Blank Elemental Scroll" (like Blank Air Scroll) = Sheet of Paper + Pixie Dust
"Elemental Scroll" = "Blank Elemental Scroll" + Magic Inkpot and Quill
Empty Earth Skill Book = Blank Earth Scroll + Blank Earth Scroll
Empty Fire Skill Book = Blank Fire Scroll + Blank Fire Scroll
Empty Air Skill Book = Blank Air Scroll + Blank Air Scroll
Empty Water Skill Book = Blank Water Scroll + Blank Water Scroll
Skill Book = Blank Skill Book + Scroll of Choice
Кузнечное дело
Boosted Armor = (Heavy)Armor + Anvil
(улучшение, которое удаляет штрафы на скорость передвижения с любой тяжелой брони)
Boosted Weapon = (Melee)Weapon + Whetstone Wheel
Boosted Mace = Mace + Moonstone
(улучшения, которые добавляют силу атаки оружию)
Boosted Value = Armor + Pearl
Crafting 5+
Add Weapon Elemental Damage = Weapon + (Element of Choice) Essence
Add +1 Str, +1 Dex to Weapon = Weapon + Tormented Soul
Boosted Resistances = Armor + Ruby