Покопавшись в UnrealEngine скриптах игры Postal2 нашёл много интересных функций.
1) Сохранение.
Неограниченное число сохранённых игр:
"savegame xx", где xx — номер слота сохранения из диапазона int (0-2147483647).
Номера 0-10 доступны через меню сохранения. (9- quick save, 10 — autosave).
Загрузка сохранённой игры:
"goto ?load=xx"
"SwitchToBestWeapon" — переключение на лучшее оружие.
"ShowRadar" — показать радар.
"stat all" — показывает кучу информации.
"stat none" — прячет её.
"stat fps" — переключение отображения счётчика кадров в секунду.
Разрешаются читы в файле POstal2.ini секция Postal2Game.P2GameInfoSingle,
ключ bAllowCManager необходимо установить в True.
Можно также использовать команду "Sissy" для переключения данного параметра в
"ResetCops" — reset cops so you aren't wanted any more.
"ChangeDude" — Change player to opposite of his current morality.
"Goto " — go to the specified map. This should ALWAYS be used instead of
unreal's built-in "open" command.
"WarpToDay " — set the day you want to test and the current level will
be "reloaded" for that day.
"SetDay " — set the day you want to warp to. All errands before that day will be
completed, along with anything you're supposed to retain.
"SetAllErrandsComplete" — For testing, set all errands as complete. Turns on
hate-player-groups too—Apocalypse!
"SetAllErrandsUnComplete" — reset all the errands and make hate groups not hate
you anymore. Warning!! May not work for 'write-in' errands!
"SetTodaysErrandsComplete" — set all of today's errands as complete Turns on
hate-player-groups too.
"SetThisErrandComplete " — set this unique errand complete Turns on hate-player-
groups too.
GetMilk, GetPaycheck, CachePaycheck, VisitPriest, GetSignatures, ReturnBook,
GetGary, VisitDad,
Vote, GetTree, PickupLaundry, GetNapalm, GetKrotchy, GetSteaks, PayTicket,
PickupPackage, GivePresent, VisitClinic.
"MenuMode" — Cheat to toggle menu between "main" and "game" modes
"ShowGameInfo" — Type function name at the console to toggle the display of
debug info.
"SetLogStates " — Set log stats. Setting 1 turns it on, setting > 1 turns it on
and saves it setting 0 turns it off, setting < 0 turns it off and saves it.
"SetLogDialog " — same as SetLogStates.
"SetLogStasis " — same as SetLogStates.
"CountAll" — Count the total number of actors (dynamic and static) in the entire
"CountDynamic" — Count the total number dynamic actors in the level (one's that
don't have bStatic set)
"GrantItem " — Give the player this item. (Inventory.KevlarInv,
Inventory.RocketCamInv, Inventory.ShotgunWeapon, Inventory.NapalmWeapon, etc.)
"GameSpeed " — Used to be slomo.. appropriately now it's gamespeed.
"Alamode" — Player goes in to god mode (toggle).
"PackNHeat" — Gives player every destructive weapon in the game.
"PayLoad" — Sets all current weapons to have lots of ammo.
"IAmSoLame" — Super-delux cheat gives you all weapons, with max ammo and turns
you invincible.
"PiggyTreats" — Give player lots of doughnuts.
"JewsForJesus" — Give the player lots of cash.
"BoyAndHisDog" — Give player lots of dog treats.
"Jones" — Give player lots of health pipes.
"SwimWithFishes" — Give player all radar related items.
"FireInYourHole" — Say that you're using rocket cameras.
"IAmTheOne" — Give player lots of catnip.
"LotsAPussy" — Give player lots of cats.
"BlockMyAss" — Give player body armor.
"SmackDatAss" — Give player the gimp suit.
"IAmTheLaw" — Give player the cop clothes.
"Healthful" — Give player full health with several medkits.
"Whatchutalkinbout" — Turns every current non-player, bystander pawns into Gary
"Osama" — Turns every current non-player, bystander pawns into Fanatics.
"RockinCats" — Change any guns that can have cats on them to constantly have a
cat on and shoot off the cat everytime with a new one magically reappearing.
"DokkinCats" — Removes cat repeating guns (turns them back to normal versions).
"IFeelFree" — Ghost mode.
"LikeABirdy" — Fly mode.
"ResetFlying" — reset fly mode.
Some functions:
"BehindView "
"Teleport" — Teleport to surface player is looking at.
"ChangeSize " — Scale the player's size to be * default size
"SetCameraDist "
"FreeCamera "
Удачной игры в Postal 2!